Feed It Or It Will Die
Over the past year I have become much more involved with netlabels and creative projects such as the Disquiet Junto. This has led me to discover a vast network of amazing musicians providing their material for free. Either through trying to gather remixers for my upcoming album or just plain old fan mail I have been in contact with quite a few of them and one thing seems to stand out every time. They seem shocked that someone has even listened to their stuff, much less taken the time out to write them and tell them about it.
Many musicians I have spoken to echo similar thoughts. They say they feel like they are working in isolation and just sending material out into the void.
The above image will look very familiar to anyone spending enough time on on the netlabels section of Archive.org. Plenty of downloads, no comments.

I have seen too many good musicians stop releasing material because they felt like no one was really listening.
If you love something share it, comment on it, blog about it, tell the artist, tell anyone who will listen.