rePatcher to OSC shortcut
Yesterday I posted about my rePatcher to OSC interface written in Processing. I’ve been finding it very useful but I was annoyed by the fact that I had to open processing IDE and run the code every time. I wanted it to behave a bit more like a traditional program.
I tried to export the program as an app but for whatever reason the export was not working correctly. I decided to do a quick hack as a workaround. This applies to windows only although I am sure a similar process could be done on Mac and Linux.
Within the directory you installed processing to there is a file called processing-java.exe. This is the file that you send command line parameters to instead of processing itself. We will be passing this the command to run your script without running the Processing IDE. The output directory is where the temporary files it generates will be stored. I would suggest using a location within your sketch folder.
- Right-click on your desktop and pick New -> Shortcut
- When prompted for a location use the following. Change thedirectory path to point to your processing-java.exe and change the input and output paths to point to valid locations. “C:Program Files (x86)processing-2.0.1processing-java.exe” –run –sketch=c:repatcher_osc –output=c:repatcher_oscoutput –force
- From within the shortcut properties choose Run: Minimized. This will cause the console window that is generated by the shortcut to be minimized on launch and help reduce screen clutter. You can close this console window any time it is launched, it will not affect the app.