• jon@schemawound.com
Renoise – Config.xml

Renoise – Config.xml

Recently I needed to enable developer mode in Renoise in order to use Lua scripting. You can do this by launching the Renoise executable with the argument “–scripting-dev”. The downside to this is that the developer tools will only be enabled for that session. If you would like to permanatly enable these tools you need to edit your Renoise Config.xml file.

In order to find your Config.xml file select “Show the Preferences Folder…” in the Help menu:

Once inside the file change the value for ShowScriptingDevelopmentTools to true.

After changing this flag I got curious to see if there were any other interesting options I could find in the config file that were not available by using the preferences within the program.

The only thing I was able to find that I was not able to find within the program was PatternMatrixOrientationFlipped.  When set to true the pattern matrix will be rotated to flow from left to right.

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