• jon@schemawound.com

Supercollider Tweets: Background / Tips

Updated 11/20/2012: Added 7 new tips courtesy of Nathaniel Virgo I have previously made two blog posts showing some of my Supercollider tweets (Part 1 and Part 2). I posted these up without any real explanation and I wanted to spend a little time talking about why and how I have been creating these. My main interest has been in […]


Server.sync is another case of a useful function in Supercollider that you might not find out about unless you stumble upon it in the help files. Every tutorial I have ever seen for Supercollider has shown code using SynthDefs as a two step process: Create the SynthDef in one code block. In a seperate code block you can create Synths based […]

Supercollider: History

I discovered an amazing Supercollider feature today: History and HistoryGui.  I won’t spend any time explaining how they work because the help files cover that subject pretty well.  I just wanted to raise awareness that they exist and are something that could be useful to almost any Supercollider user.   History will keep a timestamped record of all code previously executed. […]

Subsonic issues

Last week I was preparing one of my contributions for SIGNALVOID.  Looking at the waveform of the track it did not look right.  There were parts where the whole waveform seemed to bump upward, almost like an intermittent DC offset.   Obviously this was causing problems with normalizing to a nice loud volume.  Considering the compilation is meant to be […]

Quarks on Windows

SuperCollider “Quarks” are extensions for the SuperCollider programming language, distributed using the Quarks package-manager built into SuperCollider. To install any of the quarks listed below, execute Quarks.install(“thequarkname”) in SuperCollider, or Quarks.gui for a graphical installer. –http://quarks.sourceforge.net/ Sounds easy enough right?  Not on windows. Running the command Quarks.gui will give you a nice looking GUI that not yet supported on the […]


Today Waxen Wings has released my track ‘Sinusoid’ on the album ’Give Me A Sine’. The track was produced entirely using Supercollider.  I decided to take a couple minutes to break down how the track was created the same way I did with my track ’The Tunnel’. The submission guidelines for the compilation: All songs should be written using ONLY sine waves […]

Error.debug = true;

On the Supercollider list today someone mentioned something that I wish I knew about a long time ago.  If you execute the following code all future errors will display a basic error inspector.  This will help you more efficiently debug what is going on in the system. Error.debug = true; I have now added this line into my startup file. […]