• jon@schemawound.com
SIGNALVOID 2: The Same Color As Your Skin

SIGNALVOID 2: The Same Color As Your Skin

SIGNALVOID is a noise compilation. Participants were asked to create up to three tracks, each of exactly one minute in length, with no gaps of silence at the beginning or end. Download the compilation here: http://archive.org/details/SignalvoidMp3

This piece was my second submission for SIGNALVOID. I decided to take a much more ambient approach with this track. As with “Burn It To Disc And Then Burn The Disc” the defining factor in this track is a series of lines that run the length of the track.  Two lines control sine oscillators, one low and one high, causing them to eventually converge on the same frequency.  A third line controls the filter cutoff. At the end the whole track is run through a high pass filter to get rid of some bottom end weirdness.

This is by far my favorite of my SIGNALVOID entries.  So much so that I am currently reworking a longer version of this track for my upcoming album.

var songLength = 60;
	var sineLine1 = Line.kr(600, 210, songLength);
	var sineLine2 = Line.kr(100, 210, songLength);
	var sines = SinOsc.ar(sineLine1) * SinOsc.ar(sineLine2);
	var filterLineLFO = SinOsc.ar(0.2);
	var filterLine = Line.kr(200, 6000, songLength, doneAction: 2) * filterLineLFO;
	var filtLFO = SinOsc.kr(0.4).range(60, filterLine);
	var filter = BMoog.ar(sines, filtLFO, 0.9, 1).tanh * 0.5;
	var comb = CombL.ar(filter, 1, 0.3, 1);
	var mix1 = (comb + GVerb.ar(filter)) * 0.1;
	mix1 = (CombL.ar(mix1, 1, 1, 6) * 0.3) + mix1;
	HPF.ar(mix1, 100) * 0.5;