• jon@schemawound.com

DrumChucKer (Chucklib Test)

First test of ChuckLib. Random drumbeats generated using the drum sounds included with Renoise. Change the paths to use your own directories of samples.

	var renoiseSampDir, reverbChannel, kickFiles, snareFiles, hatFiles;

	/*Change Directory Settings As Needed*/
	renoiseSampDir = "C:/Program Files/Renoise 2.8.0/Samples/";
	kickFiles = PathName(renoiseSampDir ++ "Kicks/").files.collect{|file| file.fullPath};
	snareFiles = PathName(renoiseSampDir ++ "Snares/").files.collect{|file| file.fullPath};
	hatFiles = PathName(renoiseSampDir ++ "HiHats/").files.collect{|file| file.fullPath};
	//Number Of Steps In A Bar And Tempo
	~numSteps = 16;
	TempoClock.default.tempo = 2.1366279069767;

	//Get Number Of Buffers Loaded
	~numKik = kickFiles.size;
	~numSnare = snareFiles.size;
	~numHat = hatFiles.size;

	//Clean Up just in case
	BP([kik, snare, hat]).free;

	// ----- KICK -----
	PR(bufPerc).chuck(BP(kik), parms: (
	   bufPaths: kickFiles,
	   bufCoords: [0, -1]!~numSteps,
	   amps: [1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1],
	   rates: [1],
	   bufs: {~numKik.rand}!~numSteps,
	BP(kik).barCount = -1;
	BP(kik).pbindPreAction = {~barCount = (~barCount + 1) % 4; if(~barCount == 0, {~bufs = {41.rand}!16; "KICK:".postln; (~bufs * ~amps).postln;}) };

	// ----- SNARE -----
	PR(bufPerc).chuck(BP(snare), parms: (
	   bufPaths: snareFiles,
	   bufCoords: [0, -1]!~numSteps,
	   amps: [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1],
	   rates: [1],
	   bufs: {~numSnare.rand}!~numSteps
	BP(snare).barCount = -1;
	BP(snare).pbindPreAction = {~barCount = (~barCount + 1) % 5; if(~barCount == 0, {~bufs = {44.rand}!16; "SNARE:".postln; (~bufs * ~amps).postln;}) };

	// ----- HAT -----
	PR(bufPerc).chuck(BP(hat), parms: (
	   bufPaths: hatFiles,
	   bufCoords: [0, -1]!~numSteps,
	   amps: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
	   rates: [1],
	   bufs: {~numHat.rand}!~numSteps
	BP(hat).barCount = -1;
	BP(hat).pbindPreAction = {~barCount = (~barCount + 1) % 3; if(~barCount == 0, {~bufs = {50.rand}!16; "HAT:".postln; (~bufs * ~amps).postln;}) };

	//Create Mixer
	~dcMixer = MixingBoard('DrumChucKer', nil, BP(kik).chan, BP(snare).chan, BP(hat).chan);

	reverbChannel = MixerChannel(rvb, s, 2, 2, level:1, completionFunc: { |chan|
		"creating reverb synth".postln;
		chan.playfx({ |outbus|
			var	sig = In.ar(outbus, 2);  // read from channel's bus
			FreeVerb2.ar(sig[0], sig[1], 1, 0.6, 0.5)
	~dcMixer.add(reverbChannel);  // add to MixingBoard

	BP(kik).chan.newPostSend(reverbChannel, 0.0);
	BP(snare).chan.newPostSend(reverbChannel, 0.0);
	BP(hat).chan.newPostSend(reverbChannel, 0.0);

	//Clean up when CmdPeriod is hit
		BP([kik, snare, hat]).free;
		{~dcMixer.free}.defer(0.4); //Delay cleaning up the mixer to avoid throwing an error

	//Play after a delay to let everything have a chance to load
	{BP([kik, snare, hat]).play;}.defer(4);
