DrumChucKer (Chucklib Test)
First test of ChuckLib. Random drumbeats generated using the drum sounds included with Renoise. Change the paths to use your own directories of samples.
( var renoiseSampDir, reverbChannel, kickFiles, snareFiles, hatFiles; /*Change Directory Settings As Needed*/ renoiseSampDir = "C:/Program Files/Renoise 2.8.0/Samples/"; kickFiles = PathName(renoiseSampDir ++ "Kicks/").files.collect{|file| file.fullPath}; snareFiles = PathName(renoiseSampDir ++ "Snares/").files.collect{|file| file.fullPath}; hatFiles = PathName(renoiseSampDir ++ "HiHats/").files.collect{|file| file.fullPath}; //Number Of Steps In A Bar And Tempo ~numSteps = 16; TempoClock.default.tempo = 2.1366279069767; //Get Number Of Buffers Loaded ~numKik = kickFiles.size; ~numSnare = snareFiles.size; ~numHat = hatFiles.size; //Clean Up just in case BP([kik, snare, hat]).free; // ----- KICK ----- PR(bufPerc).chuck(BP(kik), parms: ( bufPaths: kickFiles, bufCoords: [0, -1]!~numSteps, amps: [1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1], rates: [1], bufs: {~numKik.rand}!~numSteps, )); BP(kik).barCount = -1; BP(kik).pbindPreAction = {~barCount = (~barCount + 1) % 4; if(~barCount == 0, {~bufs = {41.rand}!16; "KICK:".postln; (~bufs * ~amps).postln;}) }; // ----- SNARE ----- PR(bufPerc).chuck(BP(snare), parms: ( bufPaths: snareFiles, bufCoords: [0, -1]!~numSteps, amps: [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1], rates: [1], bufs: {~numSnare.rand}!~numSteps )); BP(snare).barCount = -1; BP(snare).pbindPreAction = {~barCount = (~barCount + 1) % 5; if(~barCount == 0, {~bufs = {44.rand}!16; "SNARE:".postln; (~bufs * ~amps).postln;}) }; // ----- HAT ----- PR(bufPerc).chuck(BP(hat), parms: ( bufPaths: hatFiles, bufCoords: [0, -1]!~numSteps, amps: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], rates: [1], bufs: {~numHat.rand}!~numSteps )); BP(hat).barCount = -1; BP(hat).pbindPreAction = {~barCount = (~barCount + 1) % 3; if(~barCount == 0, {~bufs = {50.rand}!16; "HAT:".postln; (~bufs * ~amps).postln;}) }; //Create Mixer ~dcMixer = MixingBoard('DrumChucKer', nil, BP(kik).chan, BP(snare).chan, BP(hat).chan); reverbChannel = MixerChannel(rvb, s, 2, 2, level:1, completionFunc: { |chan| "creating reverb synth".postln; chan.playfx({ |outbus| var sig = In.ar(outbus, 2); // read from channel's bus FreeVerb2.ar(sig[0], sig[1], 1, 0.6, 0.5) }); }); ~dcMixer.add(reverbChannel); // add to MixingBoard BP(kik).chan.newPostSend(reverbChannel, 0.0); BP(snare).chan.newPostSend(reverbChannel, 0.0); BP(hat).chan.newPostSend(reverbChannel, 0.0); //Clean up when CmdPeriod is hit CmdPeriod.doOnce{ BP([kik, snare, hat]).free; {~dcMixer.free}.defer(0.4); //Delay cleaning up the mixer to avoid throwing an error }; //Play after a delay to let everything have a chance to load {BP([kik, snare, hat]).play;}.defer(4); )
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