• jon@schemawound.com
Tweet Deconstruction: 2014-12-12

Tweet Deconstruction: 2014-12-12

Last Friday I tweeted out the following bit of Supercollider code. Fitting Supercollider code in a tweet has always been an interesting challenge. I thought I might take a few minutes to deconstruct what I am doing with this tweet. Even if you are new to Supercollider I encourage you to follow along step by step and try to understand […]

Microbrute to Eurorack

Microbrute to Eurorack

When I first saw the release of Arturia’s Microbrute I thought it might be a very cheap entry into modular synthesis. Using it’s patchbay I figured I could use it as my basic voice and build out from it. Based on comments I saw online I am not the only one who has had a similar idea. Being new to […]