As my previous post indicated I have been thinking about my startup file for Supercollider lately. While the default configuration I posted for SlimLauncher worked pretty well I felt i would be better off combining the oscilloscope and freq scope into a single window. After I put it together I decided to throw a X/Y scope in for good measure. ( var […]
Supercollider SlimLauncher
One thing that has always bugged me about not have a dedicated GUI for Supercollider is not having quick access to all the windows I frequently need. For a long time I would include every one of these in my startup file but I would end up getting overrun by windows I didn’t need. Eventually I would end up closing […]
The Tunnel
Today Waxen Wings has released my track ‘The Tunnel’ on the album ’Far Far Away’. The track was produced entirely using Supercollider. I know one of the issues many people have with systems like Supercollider is figuring out a workflow. I figured I would take the time to break down how I created this song in hopes it helps someone else. Since […]
Supercollider 3.5 on Windows
Due to changes in the newest version of Supercollider for Windows I had a little trouble getting it installed. I figured I would put up these directions on what I did in case they are helpful to anyone else. Note: I use Sublime Text 2 as a front end. If you have not tried it I really recommend you do, […]