• jon@schemawound.com
Guest Post: Katie Gately – Hymncycle

Guest Post: Katie Gately – Hymncycle

Hi, my name’s Katie Gately and I created the second remix onSchemawound’s “Body Movements” titled Hymncycle. Schemawoundapproached me on Soundcloud to do this remix via the Disquiet Juntogroup. I discovered the group recently after Marc Weidenbaum found mymusic online and reviewed a track on Disquiet.com. Until then, mymusic had been heard by zero people. This is my first remix. I […]

Body Movement: Reflections

Body Movement: Reflections

A remix album? I am not sure where the thought came from. My recent album “They Want To Make Your Body Move. I Wan’t To Hold You Perfectly Still.” is not what I would have considered ideal material to have remixed. Despite my doubts I decided to throw caution to the wind, upload the raw tracks and source code, and […]