My new album under the Schemawound name has been released today. It is entitled “They Want To Make Your Body Move. I Want To Hold You Perfectly Still”. The album is an exploration of small events magnified. It was released by Waxen Wings Netlabel. The entire album was written in Supercollider with some minor post production and mastering after the […]
Reaper Render Length Mismatch
I had a frustrating experience while doing test renders for the new album. The length of the rendered file was actually shorter then the length of the source material. I ended up playing with a number of different render settings trying to figure out what was going on. Suddenly I found what the culprit was, the playback rate control had been bumped […]
Se7en Seconds In Hea7en: By The Throat
This is a track I made for the Se7en Seconds In Hea7en compilation presented by Waxen Wings: A Collection of 75 works all 7 seconds in length. This compilation is meant to be downloaded in full and played on random. Full HD version of the accompanying video can be seen here.
Se7en Seconds In Hea7en: Sound Check
This is a track I made for the Se7en Seconds In Hea7en compilation presented by Waxen Wings: A Collection of 75 works all 7 seconds in length. This compilation is meant to be downloaded in full and played on random. Full HD version of the accompanying video can be seen here.
Se7en Seconds In Hea7en: Please Hold
This is a track I made for the Se7en Seconds In Hea7en compilation presented by Waxen Wings: A Collection of 75 works all 7 seconds in length. This compilation is meant to be downloaded in full and played on random. Full HD version of the accompanying video can be seen here.
Se7en Seconds In Hea7en: The Crawl
This is a track I made for the Se7en Seconds In Hea7en compilation presented by Waxen Wings: A Collection of 75 works all 7 seconds in length. This compilation is meant to be downloaded in full and played on random. Full HD version of the accompanying video can be seen here.
SIGNALVOID is a noise compilation. Participants were asked to create up to three tracks, each of exactly one minute in length, with no gaps of silence at the beginning or end. Download the compilation here: This piece was my third submission for SIGNALVOID. After “Burn It To Disc And Then Burn The Disc” and “The Same Color As Your […]
SIGNALVOID 2: The Same Color As Your Skin
SIGNALVOID is a noise compilation. Participants were asked to create up to three tracks, each of exactly one minute in length, with no gaps of silence at the beginning or end. Download the compilation here: This piece was my second submission for SIGNALVOID. I decided to take a much more ambient approach with this track. As with “Burn It […]
SIGNALVOID 1: Burn It To Disc Then Burn The Disc
SIGNALVOID is a noise compilation. Participants were asked to create up to three tracks, each of exactly one minute in length, with no gaps of silence at the beginning or end. Download the compilation here: This piece was my first submission for SIGNALVOID. I decided to take the noise concept to heart and build a pure noise track by […]
A Love Song For Scission
According to Scission’s page on BandCamp: Scission was a improvisational noise band from Connecticut, ranging between 2 and 8 members during its life span. Scission also featured many guest performers. Their sole public performance was an apocalyptic three hour set on Easter Sunday in 2001. Scission embraced chaos in their entirely improvisational sets. Scission sometimes recorded in “glorious monophonic” and […]
Getting more out of Sublime Text 2
In the past I have posted about my love of Sublime Text 2. After using it for my Supercollider work for several months I have found a number of plugins and other things to make my work easier. Install Before we continue you will need to install Sublime Text 2 and the Supercollider plugin for it: Download and install Sublime Text […]
ASIO4ALL / Sound Quality of Supercollider on Windows
UPDATE: While the post below is still valid to get ASIO4ALL running, the low tone aliasing I mentioned can be fixed without using it. Right click the speaker icon in your system tray and choose playback devices. Right click your audio device and hit properties. Hit the advanced tab. Set the default format to 16 bit, 44100 Hz (CD Quality) […]
The Distributed Recording Studio
As someone with a very busy work and home life, I work on my songs where and when I get the opportunity. Since I regularly use 3 different machines for my work, keeping them all in sync can be quite a challenge. E-mailing files to myself quickly became an unwieldy solution. Sync I considered setting up my source control repository to get around this […]
Supercollider Tweets: Background / Tips
Updated 11/20/2012: Added 7 new tips courtesy of Nathaniel Virgo I have previously made two blog posts showing some of my Supercollider tweets (Part 1 and Part 2). I posted these up without any real explanation and I wanted to spend a little time talking about why and how I have been creating these. My main interest has been in […]
Server.sync is another case of a useful function in Supercollider that you might not find out about unless you stumble upon it in the help files. Every tutorial I have ever seen for Supercollider has shown code using SynthDefs as a two step process: Create the SynthDef in one code block. In a seperate code block you can create Synths based […]
Supercollider: History
I discovered an amazing Supercollider feature today: History and HistoryGui. I won’t spend any time explaining how they work because the help files cover that subject pretty well. I just wanted to raise awareness that they exist and are something that could be useful to almost any Supercollider user. History will keep a timestamped record of all code previously executed. […]
Subsonic issues
Last week I was preparing one of my contributions for SIGNALVOID. Looking at the waveform of the track it did not look right. There were parts where the whole waveform seemed to bump upward, almost like an intermittent DC offset. Obviously this was causing problems with normalizing to a nice loud volume. Considering the compilation is meant to be […]
Quarks on Windows
SuperCollider “Quarks” are extensions for the SuperCollider programming language, distributed using the Quarks package-manager built into SuperCollider. To install any of the quarks listed below, execute Quarks.install(“thequarkname”) in SuperCollider, or Quarks.gui for a graphical installer. – Sounds easy enough right? Not on windows. Running the command Quarks.gui will give you a nice looking GUI that not yet supported on the […]
Today Waxen Wings has released my track ‘Sinusoid’ on the album ’Give Me A Sine’. The track was produced entirely using Supercollider. I decided to take a couple minutes to break down how the track was created the same way I did with my track ’The Tunnel’. The submission guidelines for the compilation: All songs should be written using ONLY sine waves […]
Error.debug = true;
On the Supercollider list today someone mentioned something that I wish I knew about a long time ago. If you execute the following code all future errors will display a basic error inspector. This will help you more efficiently debug what is going on in the system. Error.debug = true; I have now added this line into my startup file. […]
SW_Gui – A customizable GUI for Supercollider
I have been searching for a better way to organize a GUI in Supercollider as you may know from my posts about Superscope and SlimLauncher. While I found these to be a useful start I was still juggling way too many windows. This has led to my new solution SW_Gui. SW_Gui is a tabbed GUI interface that keeps the most useful […]
As my previous post indicated I have been thinking about my startup file for Supercollider lately. While the default configuration I posted for SlimLauncher worked pretty well I felt i would be better off combining the oscilloscope and freq scope into a single window. After I put it together I decided to throw a X/Y scope in for good measure. ( var […]
Supercollider SlimLauncher
One thing that has always bugged me about not have a dedicated GUI for Supercollider is not having quick access to all the windows I frequently need. For a long time I would include every one of these in my startup file but I would end up getting overrun by windows I didn’t need. Eventually I would end up closing […]
How To: Post Code on Tumblr
I had someone ask how I got the code in my previous post to show up without Tumblr breaking the formatting on it. I figured I would share my solution publicly in case it helps anyone else. Hit the HTML button on the post you are editing. Put a set of pre tags (<pre></pre>). This tag specifies your HTML is […]
The Tunnel
Today Waxen Wings has released my track ‘The Tunnel’ on the album ’Far Far Away’. The track was produced entirely using Supercollider. I know one of the issues many people have with systems like Supercollider is figuring out a workflow. I figured I would take the time to break down how I created this song in hopes it helps someone else. Since […]
Paperstays @ 10 years
Today is the 10 year anniversary of the my album Paperstays under the project name Vesicant. This was the first solo album I released that I could could feel truly proud of. While quite a lot has changed in the previous 10 years I still think the album holds up fairly well. Paperstays is available as a free download from BandCamp. Paperstays […]
Supercollider 3.5 on Windows
Due to changes in the newest version of Supercollider for Windows I had a little trouble getting it installed. I figured I would put up these directions on what I did in case they are helpful to anyone else. Note: I use Sublime Text 2 as a front end. If you have not tried it I really recommend you do, […]
Once More (With Feeling)
The act of creation is easy, with very little effort you can create a song. I have always felt what separates a good artist from a mediocre one is mostly a matter of good taste, you must know when you are on to something special and when you are bullshitting yourself. I have a strong suspicion I may have been bullshitting myself […]